Boulder High School Class of 1969 • 50th Reunion • July 19, 20, 21, 2019

Boulder High School
Class of 1969
50th Reunion
Who's Missing
BHS_50th Panther_Logo


Can you help us find these classmates?

-- We have not been able to contact them. --

The following classmates have not been contacted
because we do not have email addresses for them.

Please let us know how to contact them via email or provide other information that can help us out.

Please send us an email with any information you wish to supply.



Classmates for Whom We Need Email Addresses
to Contact Them About Our 50th Reunion

Missing Classmates-we have been unable to contact these classmates


Minnie above the front doors


Welcome to the Boulder High School Class of 1969

The time has come to renew friendships and have more wonderful memories of our times together, those surprising many years ago. Now, we marvel at our wisdom and strength and endurance.

-- The 50th Reunion Organizers


Jake above front doors